Nyrada Inc - Annual Report 2021

Cover 1
Corporate Directory 3
Contents 4
Chairman’s Letter 5
Nyrada Statement of Values 7
Our Vision: 7
Our Values: 7
CEO Report 8
Cholesterol-Lowering Program 8
Brain Injury Program 9
Directors’ Report 11
Directors 11
Dr. Graham Kelly Ph.D. Founder and Non-Executive Director, joined the Board in August 2017, resigned 8 September 2020. 14
Company Secretary - David Franks 14
Directors’ Report 15
Principal activities 15
Significant changes in the state of affairs 15
Financial results 15
Review of operations 15
Advancing a first-ever oral cholesterol-lowering drug towards first-in-human trials 16
Developing a drug to block secondary brain damage following a stroke or traumatic brain injury 17
Intellectual Property 17
Capital Raise 17
Financial Position 18
Liquidity and capital resources 18
Matters subsequent to the end of the financial year 18
Future developments, prospects, and business strategies 18
Environmental regulation 18
Directors’ shareholdings 19
Options Granted 19
Unissued Common Stock 20
Dividends 21
Indemnity and insurance of officers 21
Indemnity and insurance of auditor 21
Meetings of Directors 21
Proceedings on behalf of the Company 22
Non-audit services 22
Auditor's independence declaration 22
Presentation Currency 22
Jurisdiction of Incorporation 22
Corporate Governance Statement 22
Required statements 23
Remuneration report (audited) 24
Key Management Personnel 24
Remuneration Policy 25
Non-Executive Director remuneration 25
Executive Director remuneration 25
Relationship between the Remuneration Policy and Consolidated Entity performance 26
Other transactions with Key Management Personnel and their related parties 27
Key terms of employment contracts 28
James Bonnar 28
Non-Executive Directors 28
Key Management Personnel equity holdings 29
Shares of Nyrada Inc. 29
Options of Nyrada Inc. 30
End of Remuneration report. 30
Auditor’s Independence Declaration 32
Independent Auditor’s Report 33
Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income 37
For the year ended 30 June 2021 37
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 38
As at 30 June 2021 38
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 39
For the Year Ended 30 June 2021 39
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 40
For the year ended 30 June 2021 40
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 41
1. General information 41
2. Significant accounting policies 41
New or amended Accounting Standards and Interpretations adopted 41
Basis of preparation 41
Critical accounting estimates 41
Parent entity information 41
Principles of consolidation 41
2. Significant accounting policies (continued) 42
Revenue recognition 42
Interest 42
Government Grants 42
Government research and development tax incentives 42
Income tax 42
2. Significant accounting policies (continued) 43
Current and non-current classification 43
Cash and cash equivalents 43
Trade and other receivables 43
Investments and other financial assets 43
Loans and receivables 43
2. Significant accounting policies (continued) 44
Impairment of financial assets 44
Property, plant and equipment 44
Trade and other payables 44
Research and development expenditure 44
Finance costs 44
Employee benefits 44
Short-term employee benefits 44
2. Significant accounting policies (continued) 45
Share-based payments 45
Fair value measurement 45
2. Significant accounting policies (continued) 46
Issued capital 46
Goods and Services Tax ('GST') and other similar taxes 46
Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting (Conceptual Framework) 46
Any new or amended Accounting Standards or Interpretations that are not yet mandatory have not been early adopted. 46
3. Critical accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions 47
Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic 47
Share-based payment transactions 47
Recovery of deferred tax assets 47
Assessment of R&D expenditure not advancing to a stage of technical feasibility 47
4. Operating segments 47
5. Other income 48
6. R&D grant revenue 48
7. Trade, other receivables and prepayments 48
8. Trade and other payables 48
9. Issued capital 49
Common Stock 49
9. Issued capital (continued) 50
Options on issue 50
9. Issued capital (continued) 51
c) Performance Common Stock 51
9. Issued capital (continued) 52
Upon the occurrence of a Change of Control: 52
Procedures for Conversion 52
Restrictions on Transfer 52
No Dividends or Distributions 52
No Pre-emptive Rights 52
9. Issued capital (continued) 53
Reorganisation 53
Redemption 53
10. Reserves 53
Share-based payments reserve 53
11. Dividends 53
12. Income tax benefit 53
13. Parent entity information 54
Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income 54
Statement of financial position 54
Guarantees entered into by the Parent entity in relation to the debts of its subsidiaries 54
Contingent liabilities 54
Capital commitments - Property, plant and equipment 54
Significant accounting policies 54
14. Subsidiaries 55
15. Events after reporting period 55
16. Cash flow information 55
Reconciliation of loss after income tax to net cash used in operating activities 55
Reconciliation of Cash 55
17. Share-based payments 56
17. Share-based payments (continued) 57
18. Loss per share 57
19. Key Management Personnel disclosures 58
Compensation 58
20. Related party transactions 58
Key Management Personnel 58
Other related party transactions 58
21. Commitments and contingencies 58
22. Financial instruments 59
Capital management 59
Categories of financial instruments 59
Financial risk management objectives 59
22. Financial instruments (continued) 60
Foreign currency risk management 60
Liquidity risk management 60
23. Remuneration of auditors 60
Directors’ Declaration 61
Shareholder Information 62
Corporate Governance Statement 62
CHESS Depositary Interests 62
Distribution of CDIs 62
Unmarketable parcels 62
Unlisted securities 62
Distribution of Unlisted Securities (> 20% holding) 63
Restricted securities 63
Voting rights 63
Required Statements 64
On-Market buy-back 64
Twenty (20) largest shareholders of quoted equity securities 64
Use of funds 64