
Past Shareholder Meetings


Annual General Meeting

Nyrada held its 2023 Annual General Meeting as a virtual meeting on Monday, 20 November 2023.

To access the meeting documents, please click on the links below:

Notice of Meeting and Proxy

Letter to Shareholders and Proxy

Chairman's Address 

AGM Presentation

Meeting Results 



Annual General Meeting

Nyrada held its 2022 Annual General Meeting as a virtual meeting on Monday, 21 November 2022.

To access the meeting documents, please click on the links below:

Notice of Meeting and Proxy

Letter to Shareholders and Proxy

Chairman's Address 

AGM Presentation

Meeting Results 



Annual General Meeting

Nyrada held its 2021 Annual General Meeting as a virtual meeting on Friday, 19 November 2021.

To access the meeting documents, please click on the links below:

Notice of Meeting and Proxy

Letter to Shareholders and Proxy

Chairman's Address 

AGM Presentation

Meeting Results 


Extraordinary General Meeting

Nyrada held an Extraordinary General Meeting on 16 June 2021.

To access the meeting documents, including results of the EGM, please click on the links below:

Notice of Meeting

EGM Results



Annual General Meeting

Nyrada’s 2020 AGM was held on 19 November 2020.

To access the meeting documents, please click on the links below:

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Chairman’s Address

AGM Presentation

 AGM Results