Gisela is an international business leader with significant experience developing and launching new pharmaceutical products and delivering successful corporate strategies in highly competitive global markets. She is currently the CEO and Managing Director of Noxopharm Ltd (ASX:NOX).
Gisela has held senior positions with Amgen, Bayer, Siemens Medical Solutions and Merck/MSD generating successful commercial and scientific outcomes. She has strong global pharmaceutical industry networks and served as President, VicePresident and Treasurer of the Australian Pharmaceutical Physicians Association (APPA; now MAPA) for many years with serving until recently as Past-President. She is also the Australian delegate for the International Federation of Associations of Pharmaceutical Physicians (IFAPP), which connects the pharmaceutical industry globally.
Gisela holds various Board roles, as Executive Director of Noxopharm, and Nonexecutive Director of Nyrada Inc. and a not-for-profit sports organization. Recently, she was appointed as Chair of the Biotechnology Committee of BIO NSW, a Notfor-Profit body to promote Life Sciences across NSW and to serve on a Policy Taskforce of AusBiotech Ltd.